United by passion
Since its first beginnings, HÜBNER has been shaped by a spirit of enterprise, inventiveness and innovation. Today it continues to be this same passion for new solutions that drives the company and its employees. As a global system supplier for the mobility sector, for industry and for applications and research in the life sciences, the HÜBNER Group:
- Is the leading global supplier of gangway systems for buses and railway vehicles (Mobility)
- Is a well-recognized expert supplier for rubber products, plastics technologies and elastomer-coated industrial textiles (Materials)
- Is a provider of sophisticated applications in the field of lasers, terahertz and high-frequency technology (Photonics)
Press photos
2 MBHUBNER_Headquarter-Kassel_02.JPG
2 MBHUBNER in Kassel
5 MBHUBNER PUR 3P Frontend System
1 MBHUBNER Rubber Production
2 MBHUBNER SQC Window System
1 MBHUBNER After Sales & Service
1 MBHUBNER Airport Technology
5 MBHUBNER Entrance Systems
2 MBHUBNER Entrance Systems
2 MBHUBNER Gangway Systems Bus
4 MBHUBNER Gangway Systems Rail
548 KBHUBNER Bus and Rail
2 MBHUBNER Energy Guidings Systems
5 MBHUBNER-Mobility_Production_AirportTechnology.jpg
2 MBHUBNER Service Bus
5 MBHUBNER Photonics
4 MB
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 - management system
347 KBDIN EN ISO 50001:2018 - energy management
259 KBDIN EN ISO 14001:2015 - environmental management
320 KBNLF/ILO-OSH 2001 / ISO 45001:2018 - "Systematic Safety" seal of approval
308 KBISO/TS 22163:2017 - International Railway Industry Standard
108 KBDIN_EN_ISO_3834_EN.pdf
232 KB