Meeting your challenges
Safe and reliable: HÜBNER offers you high-quality inflatable seals which are specially customized to your wishes and requirements. We are well-prepared and pleased to handle sealing challenges such as unusual formats, complex seal configurations or inflation applications around corner formations.
In which cases can inflatable seals provides particular benefits?
Regardless of whether a larger sealing gap needs to be bridged or a seal has to be along an uneven surface – with the help of inflatable seals even the most demanding and difficult sealing challenges can be handled. HÜBNER seals can be put to excellent use, for example, in high-security gates, in special machinery or in automatic doors.
Together with our customers we analyze the exact requirements for seals and then fabricate them exactly in accordance with your needs.
Applications for inflatable seals
HÜBNER was involved, for example, in the Ariane Rocket Spaceport project. In this endeavor we designed and developed a seal with a remarkable length of 82 meters and a weight of more than 235 kilograms. The durability and usability of the seal needed to be ensured even under the most extreme conditions in addition to the special requirements in form and design.
In our design department we are ready to handle a full range of especially demanding requirements. Whether it is the fulfillment of particular DIN standards, weather resistance or fire safety requirements in accordance with legal codes or your own specifications, service life in salt water or UV exposure, we can provide products that meet the challenge.
Areas of application include:
- Chemical industry
- Machine construction
- Metal structures
- Exterior gates
- Container construction
- Transport technology
- Noise protection
- Defense
How do inflatable seals work?
A closed ring made of elastic material is equipped with a compressed air valve. Through this valve, compressed air can be brought into the ring. The ring expands conforming to the adjacent surfaces. A seal is created by means of the generated pressure. As soon as the pressurized air is released, the seal is broken.
Materials for inflatable seals
The selection of elastomers for a particular seal is made on the basis of its particular application. Elastomers are also sometimes reinforced with fabric inlays to achieve higher pressure levels. Specific color wishes can also be fulfilled to satisfy optical and design requirements.