and fairness
As a family-owned company, we place particular value on transparency and fairness – inside the organization and in its dealings with others. It is our responsibility that the actions of our employees in their everyday business are in accordance with the law.
We understand compliance as the observance of all legal requirements and internal regulations. Our Compliance Management System helps us to fulfill all these legal requirements as well as to and live up to our own values and guidelines.
The core element of our Compliance Management System is our Code of Conduct which is valid throughout the Group. This code contains binding principles of conduct for all employees of the HÜBNER Group. With this approach, HÜBNER aligns itself with generally accepted ethical values and in particular with the principles of the UN Global Compact and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In addition, the Code of Conduct deals with topics such as corruption, responsibilities in regard to competition law, occupational safety, security, environmental protection, fair taxation, and data protection and privacy.
It is our aim to establish a compliance culture in which individual employees are aware of their personal responsibility in daily business activities and contribute to the success of the company through conduct of high integrity.
If you have questions about our Compliance Management System or information regarding violations of our Code of Conduct, please contact our representative.
Björn Lenge
Head of Quality Management and Compliance HÜBNER Group
Tel. +49 561 998-1176